(412) 403-6057


Heavy, wet snowfall can create a number of serious hazards. One of those hazards is the damage that it can cause when the snow or ice slides off of your home’s roof. The main reason for this is that snow tends to move as one large object – so, if snow falls off of your roof, it’s not typically a dusting – it can be a significant load. What might that snow land on? Well, what is or could be within six feet of the edge of your roof? Patio furniture? A grill? Your car? Your children?

To avoid the potential inconvenience and safety hazards involved, many homeowners have installed snow guards. These are simple devices found on the roof that prevent snow from sliding off, or at least will break the snow into smaller chunks as it slides off of the roof. If you don’t already have these installed on your roof, why not investigate the potential?

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